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Special Event Details

Family Volunteer Day 2022

Dates: 10/16/2022 - 11/26/2022

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Join us during the month of November to celebrate Family Volunteer Day!

This year, Family Volunteer Day will take place on November 19, 2022. Family Volunteer Day is a global day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods.

This year, the needs are greater than ever before. And though volunteering may look different, there are still so many ways to give back. Take time out with your family this season to help others and make a positive mark on the world.

Volunteering is a great way for kids and adults to make new friends, develop compassion for their neighbors, and even pick up a new skill or two! It's an amazing day - don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

In late October/early November, Family Volunteer Day projects will be listed on this site.

Climate Impact Family Volunteer Day Opportunities: 

Click Here to Volunteer for our Marin County Climate Impact Event on San Pedro Ridge

Check out other Family Volunteer Day opportunities happening in your county below:

Marin County Opportunities

Napa County Opportunities

Solano County Opportunities 

Sonoma County Opportunities

#familyvolunteerday #volunteertogether

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