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Organization Profile

Sebastopol Grange #306


Since 1898, the Sebastopol Grange has served as a gathering place for our rural community. As relevant now as it was then, our hall is today a bustling hub for local resilience, grassroots activism, homegrown music, public education and good times for all. The Sebastopol Grange is a community organization that took root in Sebastopol in 1898. Rising from the fields and farmlands, we gathered on common ground to heal and support each other, work together, and sustain local farms and a locally resilient economy and community. For more than 100 years, we’ve preserved our founding principles of unity, liberty and charity here in Sebastopol.

Sebastopol Grange is part of  the Sebastopol Service and Action Coalition , a broad coalition of organizations that work towards the common good of connecting local opportunities to volunteer with people ready to pitch in and lend a hand. Created in early 2021, the SS&AC is actively recruiting other member organizations, volunteers, donations for those in need, and helping our Sebastopol community thrive. To learn more click here

Sebastopol, CA, 95473

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