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Organization Profile

City of Sebastopol


In the 21st Century, Sebastopol continues to be a vibrant, creative community. In addition to being the arts and creative hub of West Sonoma County, Sebastopol is a leader in local efforts to address climate change. The City itself, and the community as a whole are leaders in energy and water conservation efforts as well as policy initiatives to address this critical issue.

Sebastopol's special qualities and unique geographical setting attract visitors and residents alike, as well as new commercial and industrial businesses, some with global reach. The community continues to work together towards creation of a sustainable local economy.

The City of Sebastopol is part of  the Sebastopol Service and Action Coalition , a broad coalition of organizations that work towards the common good of connecting local opportunities to volunteer with people ready to pitch in and lend a hand. Created in early 2021, the SS&AC is actively recruiting other member organizations, volunteers, donations for those in need, and helping our Sebastopol community thrive. To learn more click here

Sebastopol, CA, 95473

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