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Organization Profile

What We Do:

The Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) provides drinking water to nearly 180,000 people in Marin County. MMWD operates 7 reservoirs and manages 21,250 acres of watershed lands including over 18,000 acres of Mt. Tamalpais. These lands support over 1000 plant species and significant breeding populations of northern spotted owls, foothill yellow-legged frogs, and western pond turtles. The District is also responsible for numerous coho salmon improvement projects in Lagunitas Creek and elsewhere in the county.

Who We Are:

It is the purpose of the Marin Municipal Water District to sensitively manage the natural resources with which it is entrusted, to provide customers with reliable, high-quality water at an equitable price, and to ensure the fiscal and environmental vitality of the district for future generations. The MMWD Volunteer program strives to connect people to nature and their water source by offering hands-on activities on the Mt Tamalpais Watershed. Volunteers play a critical role in maintaining the scenic beauty and biological richness of the Mt. Tamalpais Watershed. From improving trails, restoring habitat, and protecting threatened animals, MMWD has a variety of volunteer opportunities available to match your skills, interests, and available time.

Fairfax, CA, 94930

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