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Organization Profile

Land Trust of Napa County


What We Do:

Land Trust of Napa County is a community-based nonprofit dedicated to preserving the character of Napa by permanently protecting land. Established in 1976 by seven founding members, today the Land Trust has 1,700 active members and supporters. In our 42-year history, we've completed over 200 projects, protecting more than 70,000 acres of land, which is 14% of Napa County.

Who We Are:

The Land Trust collaborates with the community to protect our most cherished places, while supporting our economic livelihood and well-being. For Napa County this means outdoor living & natural habitat, water resources, vistas and farmland. Stewardship events with LTNC are excellent opportunities to learn about the unique ecosystems that the Land Trust is working to protect. LTNC's volunteer team welcomes all new participants to join us anytime. Stewardship events are offered throughout the year across the Land Trust's preserve network. Projects include invasive species removal, native habitat restoration, and trail maintenance. Be prepared for work days with gloves, sturdy close-toed shoes, long sleeves and long pants, water, and layers appropriate for any type of weather. Event leaders will provide information on location details and other logistics once you've signed up. Visit LTNC's Field Trips page  at www.napalandtrust.org to register for upcoming volunteer events, or call us at (707)261-6329 for more information.

Napa, CA, 94559

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