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Opportunity Details

Monday MERP volunteer - monthly

MERP (Medical Equipment Recycling Program) in Santa Rosa is seeking volunteers who can commit to at least one Monday per month, receiving and distributing medical equipment and supplies from our location on Standish Avenue. Each week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, we open up our four shipping containers in the parking lot, where people can drop off their unneeded medical supplies such as wheelchairs, shower chairs, adult diapers, hospice supplies, and other assistive devices that might be used to care for someone in their home. We invite the public to come and take the supplies that they need. All items are free, but donations are accepted (and help pay our space rent). Volunteers assist with opening and closing the shipping containers, receiving and organizing donated medical supplies, cleaning and assembling equipment, and also help customers who come by looking for medical equipment and supplies. Everyone who works at MERP is a volunteer. Many of our volunteers are retired, or work in senior-related businesses. We have four or five volunteers on site each week. The full shift is 10:30am - 1:15pm on Mondays. Volunteers can also choose to work the first half or last half of the shift. Volunteers must be able to stand and walk around outside for most of their shift. Must be able to lift 10 lbs. Must be able to communicate with other volunteers and customers. Knowledge of medical equipment and at-home caregiving supplies is helpful, but not required. Dress code; casual, outdoor-appropriate, sensible shoes. Name badge provided. Bring sack lunch. Restrooms available 100 yds away.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available. Here are the next available dates and times.
Older Adults & Aging, People with Disabilities/Access & Functional Needs
Homeless, People with Disabilities, People with Health-based Concerns, Older Adults

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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