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Opportunity Details

Sonoma County Human Race 2024!

May 3rd and 4th, 2024
Sonoma County Human Race!

The Sonoma County Human Race is the largest community-driven 5k fundraising event in Sonoma County.

Hundreds of local area nonprofits are supported by the funds we raise together.

Participants run, walk, or roll in support of Sonoma County nonprofits! 

Volunteers are a HUGE part of this fun and purpose-driven event!

You can help with one or more of the following opportunities:

A day before the event, May 3rd - Multiple Shifts! (9:00am to 7:00pm)

  • Race Packet distribution: Help set up the space and organize materials before the beginning of packet pickup. On-site training will be provided for the distribution process to ensure the correct race packet is distributed to all participants

EVENT DAY - May 4th:

  • Start & Finish Area Set up (5:30 am - 8 am) (ages 15+) Help set up tents, tables, and chairs in the community village area, food tables, registration tables, kids play area and finish line area.

  • Race Day Registration Support (6:30 am - 8 am) (ages 18+) Help set up the registration area and register participants before the race. Distribute any race packets that were not picked up the day before.

  • Run Course Set up (6 am - 8 am) (ages 15+) Help set up the 5K course with markers, signs, and cones.

  • Start & Finish Area Support (7:30 am - 11 am) (ages 15+) Cheer on participants at the start & finish line, direct participants to resource areas, Support the water/food station and support other areas at the start and finish area as needed.

  • Run Course Monitoring, Course Sweeping Support (7:30 am - 10 am) (ages 15+) Volunteers are stationed at different places throughout the course, cheer on participants, ensure that spectators are not standing on the course, ensure that participants are on the right side of the course (not running into people going the opposite way on the course). Some course volunteers will manage water table(s) and hand out water during the race. All Course Volunteers help clean up course markers and signs.

  • Start & Finish Area Breakdown & Clean Up (10 am - 1 pm) Help break down tents, chairs, tables signs and load equipment into trucks, discard trash and recycling, and clean up of start & finish area after run ends.

CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer!

#humanrace2024 #cvnlvolunteers #rockstarvolunteers #volunteerappreciation

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Health & Wellness, Civic & Community Service
Animals, Families, Homeless, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender), Low-income communities, Military/Veterans, Offenders/Ex-offenders, People with Disabilities, People with Health-based Concerns, Visitors & Travelers, Women and Girls, Older Adults, Children and Youth

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:15+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed

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Log in or Register

In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

Common Messages

Common Messages