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Opportunity Details

Volunteer to Set-Up Napa MLK Day at Center for Spiritual Living

Help us set up the Napa MLK Day Basecamp: 

When: Monday, Jan 16, starting at 7:30am 

Where: 1249 Coombs St., Napa, CA

What: Setting up tents, tables, chairs, and supplies.

25 Volunteers needed


#MLK #MLKDay #NapaMLKDay

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Animals, Families, Homeless, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender), Low-income communities, Military/Veterans, Offenders/Ex-offenders, People with Disabilities, People with Health-based Concerns, Visitors & Travelers, Women and Girls, Older Adults, Children and Youth

Age Minimum (with Adult): 12+, Minimum Age:18+

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